You write, "Russia already knows that it is at war with NATO."

NATO is at war with Putin. Putin is not Russia.

Ukrainian democracy poses no threat to Russia. It does however pose a big threat to Putin. Putin is not in Ukraine to defend Russia. Putin is in Ukraine to defend Putin.

If Ukraine becomes a free prosperous democracy it will be only a matter of time until the Russian people start asking why they can't have that. This is what Putin is afraid of, and that's why he's in Ukraine.

What else does Putin have to do to help you understand that he's a psychopath? The biggest threat to Russia is not NATO or Ukraine, it's Putin. Putin is the one who has set up a mob family style criminal organization dedicated to stealing as much money from the Russian people as possible. They want to keep on stealing, and they see democracy in Ukraine as a threat to their business model.

I read in the New York Times yesterday that we are approaching 200,000 dead or injured RUSSIAN soldiers. This number is just for Russians, and doesn't include anybody else.

Putin is harvesting innocent men off the streets of Russia by the crudest means, giving them a week of poor training, and then sending them in to Ukraine to be slaughtered. Russian commanders flood the battlefield with these untrained innocents to smoke out Ukrainian positions, and could care less what happens to these young Russian men.

200,000 dead and injured Russian citizens, with many more to come, as a result of Putin's self serving decisions.

I respectfully suggest that you consider closing up this blog until you've had the time to understand who it is that has invaded Russia, and who it is that is responsible for the death and injury to so many Russian citizens.

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The English translation that appears in the video gets the key sentence completely wrong. Whoever wrote it either does not understand Ukrainian or is spreading disinformation. Zelensky says in the first two sentences of the video: "Що повинно робити НАТО? Унеможливлювати застосивання Росією ядерну зброю." (or transliterated into Latin letters: "Shcho povynno robyty NATO? Unemozhlyvlyuvaty zastosuvannya Rosiyeyu yadernu zbroyu") Correct translation: "What should NATO do? Make it impossible FOR RUSSIA to use nuclear weapons."

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Since Hollywood has shifted into overdrive on remakes of movies from years gone by perhaps they should remake "Thelma and Louise" but this time call it "Joe and Zelensky" and instead of them driving off a cliff they can end it with Biden and Zelensky riding a nuke down on Russia ala Slim Pickens.

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