
I agree that most of the video coverage isn't worth much and a lot of it is staged.

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It's strange that in this age of cell phones with great cameras we're not seeing any of the victories that the Ukrainians are boasting about and the videos that I have seen are ones where the uniforms of the soldiers are spotless - as if they'd just put them on five-minutes before. Something smells in the coverage of this war as if we're being told what to think and believe.

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I distrust Bennett thoroughly. He is a traitor to conservatives everywhere.

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Why would you (or anyone for that matter) believe anything that Naftali Bennett ever stated? Bennett is a self-serving, vainglorious liar, who back-stabbed his own supporters in Israel to achieve high office.

While your article may contain some meritorious points, as soon as you cited to Bennett, it lost my respect.

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No one to my knowledge have challenged Bennett's explanation of what took place. It is clear that you dislike Bennett intensely, so I won't add anything more.

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