
Dear Joseph, Thank you for pointing out the date error which I fixed. Asia Times asked me to prepare a longer article which I have done, and that will probably appear later today.

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Infortunately, this is what happens when an oligarch with media talent (including mastery of propaganda) teams up with our own decrepit oligarch whose entire family is up to its eyeballs in tens of millions of influence-peddling dollars.

When Russia took Crimea, gaining control of a militarily strategic port, Biden's former boss yawned. No one in the left-wing commentariat gave a good goddamn.

Under Biden, the losses to American power and credibility, not to mention the draining of military stockpiles and readiness, cannot be overstated.

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My view is that Biden is desperate to cover up his disaster in Afghanistan. Unfortunately he is doing this by causing an even bigger one in Ukraine.

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Well, I think that cow was already out of the barn. But how about this super obvious possibility: The Big Guy and his entire family is neck deep in corruption, and Volodymir has all the receipts.

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yes how about that.

Cannot discount it at all

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The Chechens are in the on-deck circle for the next city assault. They did well in Maripoul and the steel mill. Or is there another specialized group?

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I can't really guess. Chasiv Yar, if that is the target, is going to be a more conventional fight. It has a population of only 12,000. I think you will see more of a maneuver battle.

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Makes sense. Flatter terrain as well. Artillery should do well from the higher ground east of Chasiv Yar. Final defensive position before the Dneiper, if I recall correctly.

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Is there anything left of there city?

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The city is almost completely destroyed.

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I assume you meant May 25, not March.

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Whoops! I will fix that. Thanks!

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