I would rephrase to this: "The truth is if we take Ukranian refugees into the US, many will turn out to be neo-Nazis. Their bosses will make sure that happens."

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Excellent column. I'm pretty sure about 75% of the American people would agree with your suggestion to break up any aid package instead of trying to pass some giant crap sandwich.

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The Ukranian government is notoriously corrupt. Paying their salaries, retirement, trying to balance Ukraine's budget....all of that with no oversight? there is a good indication of the weapons supplied to Ukraine ending up on the black market... If Mike Johnson is consistent with his stated principles, they need to be looking into these things, not playing Biden's games

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My best guess right now is that aid for Ukraine will go forward but with far less money and with some oversight part of the deal.

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Oct 26, 2023·edited Oct 26, 2023

Good writeup, and I agree on virtually all points. Especially important is the breaking up of this proposal into its constituent parts, and forcing consideration of each on its own merits.

However, I don't think we should be funding wars in either Ukraine or Israel at all.

With respect to Ukraine we seem to be stuck in the "sunk cost" fallacy; we made a bad investment (which should have been known from the get-go, but that's another discussion), and now we continue to throw money at it because it's too hard to let go.

With respect to Israel, one can condemn the most recent acts by Hamas without using that as the sole data point for judging the longstanding and still ongoing issues there. Again, that is another discussion altogether, but right now our policymakers seem to be in a emotional and reactive mode driven solely by the most recent events there. Without going off into the weeds just now, I think the most important question (one I've never heard answered satisfactorily, BTW) is "What benefit does constantly supporting either Israel or Ukraine bring to the US?"

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It’s kafkaesque that our government cares more about Ukraine’s border than our own border. It’s appalling that we are constantly inserting ourselves into useless wars of choice - and LOSING THEM! The best Army in the world can’t win when our strategy is so full of hubris, when our policies are based on lies (WMD, anyone?), and our understanding of our “opponents” is so incompetent. The Soldiers do their duty, but that can’t fix stupid idealogues.

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