I agree with you that the chances of obtaining an honest and thorough investigation from anyone under the wing of the Justice Dept. or Homeland Security is not realistic. Congressional investigations generally involve many former FBI agents or government security agents whose loyalty could cloud or suppress any significant findings. With only tempered subpoena power, Congress would be hampered, as usual, by agency stonewalling, obfuscation and denials of cooperation. The reality is that any advances in determining a 2nd shooter won't occur until a change is made to a Trump administration. A Harris administration would just bury the evidence further. It is such a disturbing time in America that we cannot rely on the integrity of those who are responsible to uphold justice without political bias. Whistleblowers' uncompromised evidence might open up some doors to new perspectives of what actually happened, but I don't think we can hold our breath that the truth will be revealed.

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I think your arguments are well placed. My deep concern is that the lack of a real investigation is an invitation to enemies, foreign and domestic, to cause more carnage.

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They'll try again if they get the chance. I hope Trump hired his own body guards so the Biden administration won't be able to send them all to another tea party with Jill.

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I'm not going to buy anything the the investigation says at this point.

I do belive that two shooters were engaged,

And the third one was the guy that jumped on stage. He was there to kill Trump on orders

But he did not.

No one with any training would jump on stage like that ,unless he planned to kill the target.

Where are the shell casings?

Not one slug recovered from the stage chairs?

No report on the ballistic match of the slugs that killed one and injured another.

Thanks for the excellent job you did investigating this 👍

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I usually enjoy reading your posts but your musings on this have zero insight based on evidence and amount to little more than conspiracy theory

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I don't do musings and I follow evidence. Sorry you don't like it.

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Yeah this has frankly gotten silly. I'm out. Was here for the good foreign policy analysis, not this bottomless rabbit hole.

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I think you should depart. Your comments otherwise are not accepted. Maybe you can find another hole.

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Yes. He's a dick.

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It would really be nice if the CIA, SS and FBI would 'fess up.

Not gonna happen.

Meanwhile we must pieced out the circumstantial evidence.

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And no bullet(s) have been found?

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Unfortunately some otherwise very well respected commentator has seemed to bend under the weight of the deep state. And I see multiple places saying although the frequently seen audio segment has 9 shots recorded, some eye witnesses claimed they heard 10 shots, although I have not seen anybody presenting a ten-shot audio. I think the ninth shot is the first shooter or shooter group killing Crooks, and the tenth shot is FBI counter sniper. Besides, Crooks' body eventually lied a position five feet from the roof ridge and that cannot be his shooting position. Either Crooks moved up to be seen and killed by sniper from Trump's direction, or first shooter noticed Crooks was trying to back sliding down the roof to escape and must silence him. FBI's ten shot is merely meant to cover the fact the 9th shot was from the back of Crooks (as there supposedly should have no people, or only security folks). I think they will try to change narrative to that there is really no security personnel in the warehouse 2nd floor behind Crooks. Because if they were stationed there, then the level of incompetence at that spot is beyond imagination.

As for people who think the article is merely a conspiracy theory, I would say a conspiracy had indeed occurred. Some people think all is known and case closed, while some other people have serious doubts because too many things don't add up. To claim this article is conspiracy theory, one had better present some conjectures to support the theory of "single shooter who was a nut case". After all, that single shooter theory is also a conspiracy theory to cover the truly guilty.

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We will continue to learn more I am sure. Today a Pakistani national, allegedly sponsored by Iran, was indicted for trying to hire assassins to kill Trump and others.

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Ten Shot Audio coming up :



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Unfortunately my ears cannot catch them. I watched several very good videos by "Legally Armed America" earlier and liked his analysis. I tried to find the earlier videos in which he has done or shown waveform analysis from himself and guests for echo for the first 3 shots versus no echo for the next 5 shots, and such was noticeable from listening and from watching waveforms. I spent most of my career life on things related to digital signal analysis. In theory, the pitch analysis used in modern human voice compression and synthesis is a technique to be used to locate the points in the time axis for the shots. I guess I will try to contact that web site and see if I can obtain a digital recording.

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that would be very useful

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Suggest you watch Peak Prosperity on YouTube. He has clear audio of all ten shots with frequency analysis.

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Yes. Thank You. He has got the complete two dimensional time-spectral plots, Since I have already resolved the issue of 9 or 10 shots in my head (10 shots for sure unless somebody promoted a conspiracy to derail the investigation) I cannot add anything to that. The pitch analysis I had in mind is more useful to detect sudden impulses (shots) in the audio. And now that ambiguity/confusion has been resolved. I have been watching his other related videos as well.

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Have you reached a conclusion about one v two shooters? I still haven't seen definitive proof either way or even a theory that makes sense. If you something, please link it.

Theory I've heard is that real assassin is first three shots. But why would he miss? Not the first shot but the second and third?

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I can only say that I am convinced of the two-shooter theory. However, you have a good point: if the first shot missed because of Trump's magic turn, then how come 2nd and 3rd shots also missed ? Trump did not engage in evasive action right away. Instead, he pretty much stood at the same position although his body and feet rotated. It should not be that difficult for a professional shooter to get 2nd and 3rd shot right. I am assuming the shooter-incompetence theory.

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Great analysis. What I've wondered but haven't found was who was the woman who was screaming "Crooks (Ross?) - what are you doing?!? Get over here! Get down!" Seems to me they would have zeroed in on that woman or, at the very least, put out an APB on trying to find the woman and ask her some questions.

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I remember her well because she grabbed her cellphone and didn't duck.

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She also held up a Biden sign briefly, covering all but her eyes, and gave a NOD right before the shot!

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Aug 12·edited Aug 12

This is a bit late to the game but it´s a noteworthy contribution simply because it´s German (machine-translated link) and most likely the most serious attempt by a respected online source to understand so far what happened with all the caveats and possible darker implications.

Because around here this has been mostly ignored. By now even forgotten.

Obviously national reporting would have had a different quality and impact with a different potential victim than Trump.

"Secret Service admits comprehensive failure in Trump assassination attempt

Interim boss: Mistakes “on several levels” / No employee fired so far / Almost two hours before the attack: Local police reported sighting of the future attacker"

12 August 2024


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Trump will not take on the Deep State, the cancer that has permeated the news media and the institutions. The J.Edgar Hoover F.B.I. has files on every Congressman, as does its terrorist proxy Israel.

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Dr Chris Martenson provides a series of videos concerning thee Butler shooting including audio analysis. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Paw5dde7COw

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There are 10 shots. Shots 1-3, then shots 4-8 in rapid succession. Then the first shot by a LEO is shot 9, most likely missed or possibly wounded Crooks because he fires no more shots after that. And then the shot from the Secret Service sniper is shot 10 which comes in several seconds later and is the presumed shot that kills Crooks.

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The best analysis I've seen was that by AmGrimR on his substack.


He followed that posting with further posts carefully looking at other theories, such as a shooter on the water tower.

AmGrimR looks at the topography, the trajectory of the bullets and the acoustical evidence. He immediately realized that the two SS sniper teams could not see Crooks because he was hidden by a tree. It was not until Crooks moved, after missing Trump, that he exposed himself and was shot. The fact that the sniper teams did not have a clear view of a potential, and, as it happened, actual shooting position shows incredible sloppiness on the part of the SS. AmGrimR concludes there was only one assassin. That doesn't mean that he believes Crooks acted alone.


I strongly suggest reading these two posts before wading into new theories about the attempted assassination of Trump and the shooting of three by-standers, one of whom was killed.

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I will read it with interest but I have plenty of difficulty with the evidence that we have (admittedly incomplete). Take note that I raised important questions that have yet to be answered. The break in the firing is the most significant in my mind. There also is evidence that only 5 shell casings were found until another 3 showed up. That could be just an observational issue, or something more sinister.

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Excellent write-up Mr. Bryen!

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One thing for sure…any Govt involvement in this investigation will be squirreled away for 50-75 yrs for it will expose the very people in power right now. Ask yourself given the CIA’s and FBIs history in-creating false flags or supposed criminality by others would you expect any support in finding the truth…zero. It would not surprise me that MI5 was asked to get involved just to say it was foreign actors. The same folks in Govt lied about everything COVID and many died….MANY…does anyone think they would have any sensitive about a Trump departure….not one bit!!

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I think there was 1 shooter. Crooks was hired to shoot on signal near Trump so photographer could capture bullet, and then fire 5 into crowd. Trump grabbing his ear was signal.

Crooks was probably told he would be allowed to escape after he detonated his car. They lied

That video on 1/F window looked fake as hell. The sniper rifle was 2/F window

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I don't agree with your assessment, especially the statement about the photographer (there is absolutely no proof for that or for your other statements, at least so far). The idea that Trump grabbing his ear was a signal makes no sense.

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So you don’t agree. Fine. As for proof there is no proof of a 2nd shooter either.

There was a picture taken of the bullet, something that was described as a 1 in a million chance of being taken without fore knowledge and a suitable camera. This photo was valuable PR. Taken by the same guy who caught many Presidents on film

at interesting moments


Whether Trumps hand to ear was the signal or a response to a signal is an irrelevant detail, but the fact signaling of shots to be fired was possible cant be denied, and he is a professional actor by trade. 2000 mph bullets tend to cause a bit more damage than his ear scratch

Trump was certainly the main beneficiary of the shooting, and the Secret Service whom he has developed a close relationship to after 8 years made the shooting possible

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This article is thin on data compared to previous articles on this and other subjects. Maybe wait until more data is available?

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You may have to wait for eternity.

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You may well be right yes.

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1) I don’t trust the officials or the media. 2) However the evidence points to one shooter shooting from one location. I counted 7 shots in one audio, but on others there are 10. 8 by the assassin and two by the countersnipers. Two countersnipers engaged. First fired and missed. Second fired and hit. Reports are that the local cops found 8 casings near the assassin. I find the local cops somewhat trustworthy. So, it looks like we’ve account for all of the rounds fired. If you look at ‘fall of shot’, all of the KIA/WIA line up with a shooter on the AGR roof. It seems unlikely that a 2nd assassin would choose to fire from the same location, but maybe. On the other hand we have civilian reports of only one shooter on the AGR roof. So, I think we can put the 2nd assassin idea in the ‘unlikely’ pile. 3) The assassin also had bombs in his car. This makes it appear that Trump was not the only target and that killing Trump supporters was also on his agenda. This also may have been an attempt to create confusion to cover his withdrawal. Or he may have been following tactical doctrine to continue engaging until you know that the target is dead. And it is also possible that he had not thought this out very well. Frankly, his planning and execution seem to have benefited from some professional training and possibly logistical support. But maybe it was all self-eduction. 4)The real questions we should be asking is how did the assassin do such a good job given his age and lack of experience? Did anyone train him? Did anyone encourage him? Did he think that they left him a sniper perch and a way out? How did he know that the roof of the AGR building was not secured? Was this a last minute decision or did he know it would be unoccupied? Why & how did the Secret Service or the locals not secure that roof? Why did they let Trump get on the stage when they knew a threat was present? The complicity of the Secret Service in this attack must be thoroughly investigated. At this point, all of the evidence points at deliberate acts of incompetence to make Trump a vulnerable target. And the killing of the assassin, while tactically necessary to protect Trump, may have also been to silence the assassin so that his trainers and logistical supporters are not identified.

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Many good questions. I don't know of any evidence that the snipers fired more than one shot. The audio evidence does not support that.

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