Russia will never trust the US/EU after the way it feels it has been treated. China is probably the only country that can "broker" any sort of end to hostilities now in Ukraine. Sadly, the incompetent statecraft of the US and Europe's leaders have pretty much assured this. If the war continues to drag on in a war of attrition-- Russia will be victorious because Ukraine will run out of people before they do. This "war" should never have occurred nor should it be prolonged.

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Kissinger is a War Criminal.

I trust him like I trust Putin and Trump.

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So let me see here. Putin wanted NATO to go back to its 1991 borders so Central and Eastern Europe, once called the "near abroad" could be under Russian control again. Did anybody ask those countries what they thought? For the author to say Putin's letter was rejected is an understatement failing to tell us why.

Second Russia did not honor the Budapest Memorandum. He invaded in 2014 and the other signers sat on their collective rear ends and did nothing. Putin again invaded in 2022. Please name one single agreement Russia has honored with Putin at is helm? Does the author or anyone else really believe Russia/Putin can be trusted? After All even their Duma says Russian Law supersedes International Law.

Third did the author read any of Putin's writings or listen to Putin's public statements? After Ukraine Putin wants Poland and is already screwing with Moldova. And I bet the Baltics are on Putin's chopping block as well.

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