You read too much propaganda

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"Middle East Spectator is a pro-regime Telegram outlet based in Tehran, as all media channels based in Tehran are – by law."

Is there a significant media channel anywhere that isn't 'pro-regime' towards the government they work under? If so I'm not aware of it.

The government of each country creates the laws that media organizations must work under. All media organizations support the government of their respective countries. If they don't, then they are subversive and will be marginalized, curtailed or prosecuted.

The myth in the Collective West is that we have a free media and that it can even oppose the government. That's nonsense. Western media may oppose a specific government policy, or even a political party. But Western media is utterly beholden to the government apparatus it works under, and it will fall in line every time the government snaps its fingers.

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Thanks for posting this. CNN’s “explainer” at 01:45 in that link (seems to be one CNN reporter interviewing another CNN reporter, heaven knows why) about why the U.S. needs to spy on its own “allies” (remember Obama/Merkel?) is just embarrassing. It’s worth occasionally viewing snippets of controlled corporate media just to remind oneself why they can be safely ignored.

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Israel jams gps

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"At minimum, the Israelis will have the opinion that US intelligence is unreliable and penetrated"

Hmm... hard to believe when Maher Bitar, formerly on the national board of Students for Justice in Palestine is currently Senior Director for Intelligence at the National Security Council, Hady Amr, vocal supporter of suicide bombings in the Second Intifada is currently a senior official in the State Dept, Robert Malley, Phillip Gordon and Arriane Tabatabai, of the Iran Experts Initiative from Iran's Foreign Ministry, had senior positions at State and Defense. [Malley was forced to leave his post but otherwise has not been sanctioned.]

It should not require Mossad-level proficiency in intelligence to figure out that the US government has been penetrated at senior levels by Iran's allies. Leaks on this scale should have been expected.

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Why would the Israelis share this kind of detailed plan with a palpably hostile Biden administration?

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Because whoever happens to be in the White House has to supply the IDF with various essentials in the event of any conflict lasting more than a few weeks, as is the case. Also Biden admin being 'palpably hostile' is an exaggeration - we've seen a repeating pattern of mild verbal rebukes for some of the most serious and frankly deliberate damage to civilians (Israeli gov not shy about the paradigm of vengeance strikes, like it or not). Occasional verbal hesitation out of Washington is accompanied by no material change to the overall full-support policy and US, including critically diplomatic support, for practically anything Israel does - and this is despite the staggering consequences for US geopolitical position of losing probably a dozen countries in the Islamic world, and not small ones -- this pretty well wipes out any US ambitions to counter PRC in both Eurasian heartland (the "Stans"), in SE Asia too (ie Indonesia), and Pakistan's US friendly elites are hanging on by a thread - or if you like one step from hanging from the lampposts instead. Israel is in the short term blessed (and on a longer timeline, cursed) by deep bipartisan support in Washington with very little holding it back apart as far as the Western sponsors are concerned.

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You didn’t read the article? This data was obtained without Israeli cooperation, by ”national technical means”

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Remembering the very very severe penalty dished out to Jonathan Pollard (who revealed to Israel that US was not working in the country's best interest and did nothing to harm US interests) of 30 years in a Max prison, if any when the culprits of this leak are found (doubtful me think as just too embarrassing and maybe too highly placed in the administration) can we expect the exact same sentence?

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No. It will be from a protected source aka any DEM…smh

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Likely itll be a heart attack or a botched robbery.

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It was not a US government action?

Best way to block Israel?

A leak?

Left hand vs right hand?

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The commentaries are full of juices. IMHO, Jonathan Pollard ought to have been shot. I suspect this leak is the only correct diplomatic action in 4 years of Biden admin.

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The story resembles a balloon that is gradually deflating... Perhaps it was the only way to convince Netanyahu to postpone the action to a more convenient date, after November 5th...

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This is all good news. No one wants a world war. It also looks like the Biden administration doesn't want one either.

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Not in the next few weeks at least. That's what they buy with the leak.

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Слишком "сенсационно", чтобы можно было поверить в эту чушь с "утечками" . Иранцы ,наверное , уже снимают юмористический сериал "по мотивам" ответа Израиля на налет 1 октября , "Вечера на хуторе близ Тель-Авива" ?!

США ,похоже , увлеклись когнитивными войнами и, потеряли связь с реальностью ?! Всë - таки , победа достигается не - словоблудием,не - уничтожением населения ,не - запугиванием ,не - "пакетами санкций" . Иран - готов к войне , Израиль - "начал о чем-то догадываться"...

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Им главное—быстрее отмазаться от своего срока полномочий и попасть на высокооплачиваемую должность без особых требований, так называемую «синекуру», у частного предприятия со связями с правительством.

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Естественно, все указанные меры направлены скорее на собственное население, ради «показухи» намерений разобраться со ситуацией, нежели ради фактической победы.

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Долгое мычание Израиля после 1 октября (по сути - "демонстрационного налета" Ирана) означает , что ситуация - зашла в тупик .Этот вброс - "утечка", нужен для проведения " безоблачных выборов" и затягивания времени для Израиля(США) .В то же время ,для сдвига - нужна эскалация ,в любом направлении . Не понимающие друг друга ... дипломаты - не способны на разумные идеи .

Во всяком случае , Хезбалла и Хамас - не обременены обязательствами - не бить по Израилю с утроенной силой , включая гражданские объекты .Может , 4 ноября - их "устроит"?!

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Of course, under this administration, no one will be fired or go to jail for the leak.

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I wonder if the whole thing is a charade. Ranging from a total fabrication by someone, including a felt need for Kabuki theater responses by the involved parties (because why not put the now public *leak* to good use)

From that, all the way to it being simply a detailed war game by a third party with an interest in how it would proceed. Maybe just an intelligence agency sending a signal to the rest of the community like....Hey, you guys think we geospatial types just take orders for where and when your satellite access is provided but we can speculate with the best of them. Next time we tell you we are busy and put your sat access request on hold you might consider that we know what we are doing and stop bitching...........

Or it could even be that there are traitors everywhere on both sides doing who knows what for unknown reasons except to cause damage with no apparent comprehensible purpose.

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On the leak: "We tried several times telling you privately but you ignored us, so now we're going public."

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more like "Pretty please, wait until after the election! You wouldn't want Trump to win, right? right? ..."

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PS: Fuck you too...

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ROCKS is an air-launched ballistic missile (not a cruise missile):


A competing product, RAMPAGE, is available from Elbit:


Why would striking Netanyahu's home require scene matching? It would seem navigating a preplanned route based on GPS/Glosnass would have been just as effective.

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It would need to be pure inertial and/or DSMAC to avoid jamming.

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Why would the US be ignorant of Israel's nuclear weapons with France having sold them the reactors and processing equipment to provide plutonium for them?

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Nobody said “ignorant of”, just “no official admittance”. These documents show the US government at least admits it to itself, at NOFORN level.

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Gen. Mark A. Milley must have been immune to that, having a back channel to the CCP.

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The CIA diverted plutonium from the Cimarron plant to Israel in the late sixties and early seventies.


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Why can't I subscribe your substack without subscribing to all your pushes?

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I don't know why substack is doing that.

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Neither do I, but they will probably continue doing it until their customers like yourself call them to task for it. Substack is the most unstable website I've ever posted on. The same website might vacillate between allowing comments without paid subscriptions and not, and the fact that their authors can decide between them complicates determining whose at fault.

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The French sold the reactor to Israel that they used to make the plutonium for all of their bombs.

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