
He has not --I follow the news very carefully

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Nice collection of Western media articles about Ukraine published before December 2021 which are now censored to improve Ukraine's image after the Russian invasion:


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Well, no site is obligated to post our thoughts, just as you are not obligated to share this comment with your readers. If you chose to delete this comment that wouldn't be censorship, it would be editorial judgment, and exercise of your property rights.

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The West is in a land war with Russia. If the combined economies of the West can not keep up with the Russian economy, we'd better look in to that right away.

According to this site:


"The United States, by contrast, has a nominal GDP of $20.89 trillion—roughly 14 times the size of Russia’s economy"

And please note, that comparison leaves out all of Western Europe and our other allies.

Reagan proposed Star Wars in part to persuade the Soviets that they could never keep up with an escalating arms race. It's time to make that point again. For every weapon Russia deploys in Ukraine, we should deploy 14.

Every generation of free people faces a challenge like this. Remaining free requires each generation to meet the challenge, and face down the psychopaths. If we don't face down Putin in Ukraine we'll just have to face him down somewhere else.

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I’ve been part of LinkedIn for years. I’ve never trusted them, to be blunt. I read your article when it came out. While we could have fun debating a few points, there is absolutely no reason for LinkedIn to suppress its point of view. Jim

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Good article.

To my knowledge, Milley never recanted his estimate of Ukrainian casualties.

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