Victory has a thousand fathers, defeat is an orphan.

Still the case today.

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It seems to me that post-war plans are a little premature.

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God help you if the liberal imperium adopts you, your nation, as a cause. They are sending Ukrainian kids into the maw of modern weaponry full well knowing this is ending in defeat. And the nations of the west, they offer treaties of support that are of no value. Ukrainian dead will need to bury the dead.

Abby of misrule, they destroy our countries, they destroy our cultures just as they destroy the Ukraine.

Iran is next.

How can’t you root for the Russians to give the psychopaths a blackeye?

“ the real conflict today is not just the wars on which the liberal elite rely for their livelihood. It is between the fantasies of the rulers and the reality of the ruled.” Frank Wright substack.

Kinetic action for now is confined to farmer, protests and trucker protests in my country Canada put down so savagely. When will that change?

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Feb 13Edited

Macron would be pushing his luck, there's no doubt. Also just at the beginning of the month, he escaped the farmers' blockade after conceding € hundreds of millions to farmers who surrounded the capital.

And the US MSM seems to have finally acknowledged that Biden is done. Therefore the euro leadership class has to process this fact.

But over time, it's still hard to believe that NATO won't come up with the money - which I continue to believe would be in exchange for Kiev's mobilization law. There's still more tricks available. The next US budget showdown theater, for instance. Always an excuse to get creative with some high speed horse trading.

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I agree there will more maneuvers ahead.

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I am curious as to the UN's response to Putin's invocation of Article 51 of the UN Charter. He invoked this article on 24 Feb 2022, at the start of the SMO. According to the Russian side, their actions during the SMO are legal and justified.

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Feb 13Edited

Why does United Nations General Assembly Resolution A/ES-11/L.1 (https://undocs.org/Home/Mobile?FinalSymbol=A%2FES-11%2FL.1) not count as a declaration that the SMO is "aggression"?

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