It reminds me of something... oh, yes... this:


"The Pentagon Wars" - based on a true story about the development of the IFV Bradley... yep, the same Bradley that is getting smashed in Ukraine. How ironic!

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maybe the decision makers in the army have some important connections to honour??

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Maybe they’re woke idiots

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It is more a case of NIH (Not Invented Here) combined with what I call the Iron Rice Bowel (jobs for army guys when they leave the government)...

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Same thing. More words.

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i guess i was trying to be polite and suggest that decisions are made for different reasons with people in places of power..

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No more polite with these people. They are the enemy. When was the last time any of them were polite to our side?

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i haven't disagreed with you any here, lol...

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I’m just a sarcastic old guy who is tired of seeing what is happening to our once great country

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i think its called greed, or capitalism and all the extensions that go with that..

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The Marines are like FedEx and focus on fast and accurate delivery. The army is like the US Mail where their delivery goal is slow and maybe.

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Usual military procurement ridiculousness. Guaranteed someone is making a mint and someone is getting a fat kick back. What does it matter? It's only the brave people risking their lives to keep us happy like pigs in shit that have to pay the real price for this.

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Those Army guys know which side of their bread is buttered, and who has the knife and the butter dish.

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Hamas missiles are incredibly crude, but high volume. So Iron dome needs "cheap" missiles to fire.

The success rate of these against a moderately sophisticated peer adversary - which the US presumably intends to defend against - would be much lower.

But the MIC is out to gouge profits for both US and Israeli contractors, so it makes perfect sense.

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