May 20·edited May 23

Pretend that Zelenskii or a leader of one of the Baltic Poodles were shot by a pro-Russian individual.

The victim would not have finished hitting the ground before fingers would be pointed and accusations made, demands for war and Lord knows what else.

No evidence needed. Because Russia. "We just know!" Anyone who asked questions or who tried to stop the witch hunt would be accused of being in league with Russia. Again, no evidence needed. Because Russia.

Time for the Two Minutes Hate, everyone!

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If you look at what happened in the Slovak Republic it is a little different. The government immediately said it was a lone wolf operation. It went on to urge that the divisions in Slovak society were dangerous and should be quelled. In short, it was the sitting government that decided it was a lone wolf, even without evidence of any kind. I understand the point your are making, but it was the fast government declaration and the immense spew of propaganda in the press that hid the truth.

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I am not surprised that the Slovak government doesn't want a rush to judgment or deepening divisions. They'd probably prefer a lone wolf.

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yes but now it is too late because the stuff on the shooter's computer was deleted. However, forensics ought to be able to restore the erasures.

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Well, it sounds like the cat may be out of the bag, so to speak.

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funny thing, Peter said to me the other day a Hungarian expression, the bag has nails sticking out

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May 20·edited May 20

I was surprised that Fico's security detail let this happen, but assumed incompetence (and a deranged loner, rather than Budanov running out of Tajiks).

The post though seems to suggest the Slovak state security apparatus was behind the hit and patsy?

But they answer to the Interior Minister?

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I don't think it suggests that at all. But it was poor security and amateurish.

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I just reread the post.

Clearly Fico's detail 'allowed' the hit to happen, and a magistrate blocked part of an investigation.

I guess that could just be read as state incompetence, rather than complicity - but I disagree that it doesn't suggest possible complicity 'at all'.

To me, after two readings, what is being suggested is pretty unclear.

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I don't think we can say that yet or ever. The security detail did a very poor job, but that does not prove they are complicit in anything. What is being suggested is an investigation because of new information about evidence tampering by an unknown party. That is clear.

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I like to read Feral Finster's comments because he's always coming up with new phrases that I can use elsewhere. "Baltic Poodles" is a classic!

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Thank you for the kind words, but "Baltic Poodle" isn't original.

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+Pwerhaps Pomera

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Perhaps Baltic Pomeranians are more apt given the locale and temperament.

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According to Slovakia authorities the wife of the shooter is Ukrainian citizen, had a contact with Ukraine intelligence service and tried to leave Slovakia while being in house arrest by court order for the duration of the invesrigation. So we have double Ukraine trail…

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You are right but it has proven impossible to verify that information.

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Yes, and the US, especially the CIA or really the entire corrupted media whores love insisting that we will never know because we do not have signed and sealed confessions documented in a court of law. People who live in the US know that our Prisons are filled with people who get convicted and sentenced on the flimsiest circumstantial evidence and no one is ever bothered by this, BUT every international case including but not limited to Nordstream have enough real solid circumstantial evidence to convict and the media "experts" line up to say "you are right but it has proven impossible to verify that information. " Let's hear your take on multiple agents of the security detail standing down and going directly against every SOP for protecting an asset. Is that impossible to verify also??

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it is clear that the security detail was very poor and untrained. Beyond that we are only speculating.

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Whenever something like this happens or there is a coup, you must always start with the CIA for their involvement. Wherever there is broad violence in the world you can bet the U.S. has either a direct or indirect hand in it. That's what U.S. hegemony is all about. Dictating the world order.

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Is this just a coincidence?

May 7th

Murder attempt on Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia;

May 13th – May 14th

Information about planned military coup in Turkey against Ergogan;

May 15th

Fico murder attemp;

Mat 16th

Arrest of a person making threats to president of Serbia;

May 19th

King of Saudi Arabia hospitalized (pneumonia);

May 19th

Crash of Iran's president's helicopter.

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maybe you answered your own question

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I smell the CIA... or something similar. Deep State ginning up their war.

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They shot him and they failed. At least with JFK they hired an actual professional.

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and if the stories are correct, Oswald was a patsy

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Also MLK,

I am not a JFK truther or whatever, but the official story stinks on ice. However, from what I understand, the alternative theories also require a lot of jumped conclusions and inconvenient facts ignored.

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Though not the first, Fico is one of the first. There will be a wave of political violence in W-Europe.

When the left is in the process of losing power, this is standard operating procedure.

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The left? lol

You seem very confused about the directions here.

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VIP protection has a poor record in this part of the world. Entire planeful have perished due to basic safety precautions not taken. Incompetence strives in an environment of extreme polarization. Instead of being fixed, problems become a basis on which you can weave fantastical stories painting your opponents as evil incarnate.

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Maybe it was the French Foreign Legion! Oh wait, it’s been reported here that they are already in Ukraine! More pro Russian baseless speculation and innuendo!

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We did not report speculation, we reported an investigation and some of the political background.

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