These "milbloggers" are useless people. They couldn't deviate from the Kremlin's propaganda or talking points even if they wanted to. Best to just ignore.

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How do you know that?

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You don't pay propagandists to make you look bad. If you're at the table with Putin, that's because you're amplifying the message he wants.

Isn't that obvious?

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The value of the meeting was not who was there but what Putin told us. Whether to believe him or not is another matter. If you look at it this way then from an analysts point of view it is important. Compare it to our President who is mostly incoherent.

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Thank you for posting this. This is a pretty impressive document.

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I thought so, and I think so little of what the Russians say makes it into the press, that people have no basis to judge Putin or Russia.

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I think there is a link between the remarks on depleted uranium and Putin hinting of setting up a neutral zone in Ukraine.

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