
I don't find your comment acceptable

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Taiwan is an island, which means it is surrounded by water and easily subject to a blockade. Beijing therefore doesn't have to invade to cut Taowan off from the rest of the world. And US companies investing there would be subject to the same risks. Terrible idea.

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hawaii is an island too, coincidentally annexed by the usa in 1898... things happen... doesn't make any of it right, but apparently might makes right, until it doesn't of course.. here are the details from the the cia/fbi monitored on this.. wikipedia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newlands_Resolution

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The US has a navy and so does Taiwan and Japan. The blockade stuff is far fetched.

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I would recommend a more cautious approach. If, as you say, american companies in the past flocked to China, only now discovering China has turned inhospitable to US interests, how do we know Taiwan will not likewise turn to themselves or to China, ten or twenty years from now. I'd rather encourage US high-tech companies to locate in USA, that ought to be a safer place for the American flag. I'm on thin ice now, maybe this is unthinkable for some reason, maybe a low-risk location gives lower yields. It's just this bad feeling I have of outsourcing crucial / strategic technologies (or pharmaceutical / vaccine manufacturing) to countries at the other end of very long supplychains, in the hands of countries whose future policies we can't know (unless ofc we control those policies).

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The reality is they will go to Vietnam and India. Some are investing here at home, especially some semiconductor companies, but it is small compared to foreign operations. Anyway, I am not talking about the US outsourcing strategic tech (the China model) but benefitting from Taiwan tech (my model)

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Interesting notion: Would we care about Taiwan if we didn't get our semiconductors from there?

Well, then I guess it would depend on if any politicians get any bribes from Taiwan.

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I think this notion that China will be deterred from attacking US assets in Taiwan is misplaced. If conflict ensues, all bets will be off. Only thing that works for China will be strong dissuasive deterrence. Here the problem US planners will have to contend with will be any US response on Chinese forces or mainland will escalate the conflict. US and allies will need to be prepared

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China's decision-makers would need to decide about the risk of drawing the US into the fight --one of their major concerns. The entire premise of Chinese policy is to isolate Taiwan and, by doing so, either force it to agree to integration with China, or isolate it militarily so it is entirely on its own in defending the island. In my view, for these reasons a strong US presence on Taiwan would undermine the fundamentals of China's policy and force a rethink of how China approaches the Taiwan issue. An alternative to getting industrial participation by US companies would be to station US troops on the island, but this would precipitate a major crisis with China. Putting industry on the island is not at all different from what China is doing with its Belt and Road program and by its investments in Asia, Africa and South America.

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Beg to disagree! Just as Russia won't allow NATO in Ukraine, and will start WWIII before losing this battle, China will also go to WWIII if Taiwan is co-opted by Western forces. Nothing like driving Russia and China into a symbiotic embrace over western hubris, and militarism, to destroy the world.

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I get your comment but it largely is irrelevant to my argument.

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Very interesting. Thank you. Faithfully, David Jonas Bardin.

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Thank you. I agree.

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Wrong video, here's the correct one. People, listen to actual Taiwanese people & not shady, unhinged Soros backed Warhawks.

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Look buddy

you don't know who you are talking to and you are making accusations that are totally false. I don't know what your problem is, but keep it to yourself

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