Logo Opener by Oleg Mazur | https://soundcloud.com/fm_freemusic

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it's a funny thing about the usa and west generally offshoring all of its manufacturing and etc to places like china, taiwan and etc... it means the corporations associated with the usa and west have continued to do well financially, but the ordinary people of the usa haven't, unless they are heavily invested in the stock market, a symbol for this offshoring success... but it is really at the end of a gun that the usa is heavily reliant on in combo with the supremacy of the us$ in the financial institutions formatted after ww 2 - imf, world bank, bis and etc. etc..

without military bases in more places on the planet that any other country, this unipolar or colonial, imperialistic ideology would have a much harder time justifying itself.. so it continues on emphasizing threats, bullying tactics and etc. etc. - to try to maintain its position in the world.. as to how the people of the usa, or the west more generally, view all these military adventures to keep the corporations ( they use the term oligarchs when it applies to adversaries ) propped up, remains to be seen... bottom line - the usa is involved in the law of diminishing returns and is indeed losing its unipolar status and for good reason..

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Dear James,

The US invested massively in China but little in Taiwan. The idea of US companies in Taiwan is to provide a bulwark against a Chinese invasion. I am all for supporting manufacturing in the USA, but as the US disinvests in China, many US companies will go elsewhere (Vietnam, India). I would infinitely prefer Taiwan for the reasons I just explained.

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a good question is what do the people of the usa want? does it differ from the corporations who lobby the gov't for their specific needs? if so - why? it seems to me the usa is a divided country with those who have continuing on - with full access to political power, while those who haven't and are increasing in numbers, living on the streets and worse - with no access to political power... my own thought is that money will go where-ever it has to go to make more of it.. it doesn't hold any loyalty to any country...

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Taiwan resident here. Reached this feed from watching your interview on Bill Walton's channel on Oreshnik missile.

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