Does anybody trust the FBI? They are compromised.

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The record is clear that for a very long time now, the FBI (its decision-makers, NOT its investigators) has been misrepresenting evidence, and hiding evidence that ought to have been made public immediately. It's very heavily into the cover-up business. Furthermore, the major 'news' media have played along with and protected that -- hidden it from the public, instead of themselves digging down and investigating it.

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We need to know how many casings were found next to Crooks

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Sooner or later Americans need to stop covering for the FBI. I get so angry when I hear it is not the guys on the ground. BS IF as an investigator I turn in reports that get buried or tossed in the garbage and I don't do shit about it. Then I am just as bad and just as guilty as the phantom 7th floor who you want to blame.

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No, you are wrong, and "the missing 28 pages" incident proves this. The investigators did their jobs, but the higher-ups hid it instead of published it, because it implicated the President's (George W. Bush's) friend, Bandar bin Sultan al-Saud and his wife, as having been funding at least SOME of the 9/11 Saudis. What are you suggesting? -- that those FBI agents should have been fired? How stupid is that? It's like: Blame the whistleblower.

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You mean investigators like Strok and Page?

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The investigators are just as lawless as the people that run it.

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Their labs have been a problem for decades. Mostly understaffing, lack of proper storage facilities. They'd be so far behind on things, there would be pencil whipped results sent out that resulted in people being falsely convicted on the basis of never done analyses.

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I rarely give conspiracy theories much credence. But the collective failures of both the security at Trump's rally and the 'investigation' of its aftermath are so shockingly bad that one has to consider the possibility of an agency conspiracy.

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Exactly! Just like in the Epstein case - if you don't want people speculating then don't give them reasons to do so.

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Come on people, did we already forget the Las Vegas Shooter? The FBI threw a huge blackout on any information from that entire incident and it just went away. Anyone want to bet the same thing happens here? People will not let it go, but each hearing or subpoena is going to be the FBI covering the SS followed by the SS covering the FBI and round and round it will go until we end up with Lone Gunmen with no real social media and maybe some murky unproven contact with someone from Iran, in other words just BS salad of nothing.

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The only hope is Trump’s election followed by some real changes in all these agencies especially the DOJ. Maybe in a couple of years there could be some answers. Even that will depend on majorities in both houses of Congress. We are living in such a deep mess there are no easy fixes

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I have to say, even for a rabidly conspiratorial mind such as my own - the Las Vegas thing leaves me flummoxed.

It’s quite possible that the FBICIA were involved - but aside from random terror, I give up as to underlying motive.

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John Cullen breaks it down in this video on the Trump shooting. https://youtu.be/0hKuo2qW6uE?si=Y3Gvll5RCmIaZcfl

It was a Saudi attempt to kill MBS who was in Vegas at the time and it was very aggressively covered up.

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The Drumpf clan won't let this go.

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My questions are, was the water tower shooting at the counter snipers then and missed? What was the bullet trajectory as demonstrated by the entrance wounds on the victims?

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I do not have answers to your questions, but they are very good questions.

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The FBI, CIA, Secret Service, Capital police and members of Congress cannot be involved in the investigation. All are untrustworthy. The Democrats in Congress are in bed with the CIA and FBI. If you have doubts watch the testimony of Michael Schellenberger and Matt Taibbi before the Senate testifying on the Twitter files. Every single Democrat (and I mean every one of them) attacked both men and wrote it off as a Republican smear job. They extolled the virtues of the FBI and CIA. Michael and Matt testified on two separate dates. Watch the first. At the second hearing the Democrat's side was almost empty. This will never be solved to the satisfaction of the public. Mainstream propaganda media completely ignored the story. In my opinion, the revelation of the the massive censorship of the internet by the government-military-intelligence industry is bigger than the Pentagon Papers and Edward Snowden's leak combined.


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Not bigger than the JFK assassination though…

The only difference between now and then is competence. We can thank God almighty that the government employee clowns who watch over us are every bit as incompetent as the cliches would have it.

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Pete, there is no difference and there is no incompetence. That will be the story the CIA/FBI/military/government promotes to ensure the truth never surfaces. The entire establishment has been singularly and relentlessly united to bring Trump down since 2016. They wanted him gone no matter how it was done. None of it worked which left only one option. Trump is still in danger.

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"The "rush to judgement" to borrow Mark Lane's famous book title, is incredibly appalling and indicative of a cover up."

Regardless of the specific circumstances surrounding the attempted assassination, this is the money quote.

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See John Cullen interview on Brett Weinstein's Dark Horse Media. Very detailed examination that examines the various bullet trajectories.


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You’d have to be a starry eyed 4-year old to think this lone 20-year old kid climbed up on this ladder all on his own *without* training and encouragement from an intel agency.

Every former CIA director alive today is vested in Ukraine like Christ on the Cross.

No tears from any of them.

Yes. This was a CIA assassination attempt. And yes, they are every bit as inept as every other branch of the Federal Government.

The gang who literally could not shoot straight.

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Good writeup. There is lots yet to explain, but one idea someone is pushing that has to be total BS is the idea that this "incident" was somehow either faked or otherwise done on purpose by people connected with Trump. Today I read that fully 30% of some polled Democrats actually believe this. Incredible...

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there are no shortage of idiots

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Stephen, I can tell you aren't a gun guy because you refer to magazines as clips, which are something different. Other than that, a very interesting blog post.

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I confess I am not a gun guy. I think the argument, however, is entirely correct.

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Thank you for staying on this story.

I do want to make one pedantic point that has to do with firearm terminology and the difference between a clip and a magazine. I made this same error myself for years.


Thank you again for staying on this story. I look forward reading more from you on this.

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I was waiting for this. Give it a rest.

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On cue… there’s always the one “expert” to set things straight 🙄

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Oh God… here we go.. “magazines” vs “clips”. I am a gun guy and I use both terms interchangeably. Making this an issue is a sign of limited brain bandwidth.

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100%... and they haven't been able to do it... thus, incompetence. 100% pro-Trump and always have been. This is not the FBI and CIA I grew up with (I'm 54). And, in a way, Thank God. By that I mean, however filled with malice they may be - they no longer have the competence to execute plans. Less white, more women = less competence. It's axiomatic.

If it were genuine, competent white men* running the show - like every generation before the last 20 years - and they had the same marxist ideology - we'd be fvcked like a duck.

(The white men in government now have already chosen the date of their transition. The backbone of an octopussy)

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For your further consideration.

Judge Napolitano is no friend

of President Trump, but here is his honest take on a shocking email.


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Surprised about all this naivity here. US-People seem not well informed, looking at the trees but not seing the forest. This whole story WAS STAGED, very evident signs.

Shooter was a goof and been arranged, the only roof nearby, false blood on DT and him immediately raising the fist: this is the main hint!

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Larry Johnson's blog just updated on the subject verifying 2 shooters (GRAPHIC IMAGE): https://sonar21.com/secret-service-and-fbi-still-not-telling-the-truth-about-who-shot-crooks/

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" Why Won’t Authorities Release 911 Recordings From Trump Rally Shooting?"

The Intercept has appealed to the Pennsylvania Office of Open Records to obtain emergency dispatch calls from the July 13 Trump rally.



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Secret Service apparently now denies Trump full campaign protection, i.e. they claim they couldn´t protect him adequately and therefore are telling him 1) to change the nature of his speeches 2) to appear basically only indoors. Wo-ho!

What kind of conduct is that?!

p.s. why hasn´t he employed free-lancers?

I assume Chavez might not have made it that long without the expertise of details coming from Cuba, e.g. (which with Trump of course would have made a great story - "MAGA meets Castro"!)

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