Yes. Maybe the horse will talk. I wonder how many of your readers recognize the punch line to that very old joke?

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I like old jokes, even ones going back to Henry VIII.

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If memory serves (and mine is failing) that one is much older. I believe it is a biblical story but can’t recall just who and when.

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The Russo-Ukraine conflict (or, "war," if one prefers) reminds me of how I felt when the Raiders were playing the Cowboys back in the day. My fondest desire was for the stadium to collapse and take both teams and their obnoxious fans down into Hades. Thus, I laughed out loud when the designated info-chick, Kaitlyn (Katelin? Katelyn? Who knows how to spell these names?) demanded that Trump tell her who he wanted to "win." His response was perfect--he just wants both sides to stop and negotiate a peaceful conclusion so no more Russians or Ukrainians need to die. That just doesn't please the neocon war mongers and their military-industrial complex cabal who are making buckets of money off the blood being shed. I used to be a patriot, but I can no longer support the government that currently has control of my country. If it can't be voted out of power, then perhaps it is time for removal--as our enemies on the left are so fond of saying--"By any means necessary!"

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