Anyone who enjoyed this piece should read Orbán’s recent speech – a great summary from RFK Jr: https://x.com/RobertKennedyJr/status/1819010409803747378

Orbán saying “The war is our red pill.”

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Hungary should leave the EU and join BRICS. They will be better of in the long run.

Many in western Europe are moving to Hungary when they retire, sometimes sooner. You can find communities that speak your language. Hungary must be doing things right.

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Considering that Hungary gets EU structural adjustment funds and the EU enables Hungary to outsources its unemployment, that would be economic suicide.

Not to mention, Hungarians, for better or worse, very much see their identity as *europeans*, members of The Club. They are no more going to leave than the wife of a local oligarch is going to give up her prestigious surname, no matter how much her spouse abuses her.

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Will there be any money left for the eastern members once the EU is saddled with the cost of rebuilding Ukraine? There's a limit to German generosity. They aren't going to cut a big check to Ukraine and then write another one for Poland. If anything there'll be strong political pressure to make Poland a net contributor to the budget.

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Nobody will ask.

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I respectfully ask European writers to notice the difference: there are two main political parties in the U.S. One is Republican and the other Democrat. The latter's name is not "Democratic." It is "Democrat."

Hungary and Slovakia should simply say that they're prepared to block Ukraine's admission into NATO permanently. If Ukraine does not co-operate and allow free flow of oil/gas, they will be permanently blocked and never a member of NATO no matter how Ukraine is divided upon this war's completion.

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Since February 2014 Ukraine has been a CIA Colony wherein DC controls ALL Aspects of that country. Zelenskyy is merely a CIA Puppet, Therefore The following statement is 100% Correct:

"Before we get into the details, it should be noted that Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó hinted in a statement that it was Washington's idea to introduce sanctions against Lukoil. As is known, the American Democratic Party leadership wants to overthrow the legally elected Hungarian government. Primarily because the Hungarian government is not pro-war. Furthermore, Washington does not like the fact that the Hungarian government maintains fair relations with Moscow and Beijing. And Brussels happily serves American interests, since the EU also wants to overthrow the Hungarian government, not only because it is pro-peace, but also because it does not allow illegal migrants into the country."


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Our 45th President - Donald J Trump - wasn't pro war - he would not bait - provoke Russia to invade Ukraine.

For his refusal the Apparatchick

1- manufactured the CONvid19 Virus in order to paralyze his administration and prevent his re-election

2- issued two FAKE impeachments

3-stole the election and effectuated a coup d' etat

4- instituted 4 FAKE indictments and assorted harassing civil cases

5- attempted an assassination

And so it fucking goes

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" This means that the oil now flows through the territory of Ukraine as Hungarian property." Ukraine even before the war was siphoning fuel from the lines that crossed Ukraine from Russia headed to the EU. This arrangement is just another Ukraine opportunity for theft.

As for Slovakia, any chance the fuel could be trucked in from Russia, yes more expensive but at least they would have it.

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From where? Where are you going to get the trucking? And what is to stop the EU from ordering the border closed to such trucks?

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Certainly valid issues, I leave the answers to those questions to Slovakia.

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Seems like the right response was found. Just need to stay strong and don't do anything rash that gives US leverage to attempt a color revolution.

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The US and EU don't need a pretext, other than weakness. A pretext can always be manufactured.

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The weirdest thing in all this is that Russia is still paying Ukraine gas and oil transit fees to Europe 2 1/2 years into a war in which the two countries have been bombing each other's energy infrastructure, Europe supposedly blocked Russian supplies, Nordstream was destroyed and Western media go on about risk to the Sudzha pumping station and the KNPP (not to mention ZNPP).

I guess 'It's the economy, stupid'...

Business is business even as the contracting parties bomb and kill each other.

Imagine Britain paying for imported German fuel in 1941...

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Ukraine hits an oil storage facility in Rostov.. while still being paid to transport oil from other storage to Europe 🤔

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So what does anyone propose to do about it?

Screaming "no fair!" and "that's against the law!" is about as effective as quoting Scripture to an armed robber. In this case, an armed robber who is in cahoots with the local police.

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The amount of FAFO Ukraine is accumulating is staggering.

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Ukraine got the big head from all the gushing attention from the West. They thought they had power they did not have. Ukraine just defaulted on its depts and western debt holders are in near panic. The jig is getting much closer to being up.

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There’s that “make enemies of countries who should be your friends while giving away all the loot to countries that aren’t your friends” diplomacy we’ve come to expect from the U.S. foreign policy blob.

It’s a bunch of entitled, petulant ivy league mediocrities who can’t stand when other countries act in their own self-interest.

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Just when you think that U.S. domestic problems are not being resolved by foolish politics, looking at how disjointed and void of serious leadership the EU is, you begin to see a pattern of political incompetence and feckless egos playing checkers in a game of 3D chess. Intelligence is not their strong suit and a unified front is not part of their vocabulary.

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This is what happens when all the western governments are run by investment bankers and advised by fraudulent academics.

Competency goes out the window because the financial elites want obedient muppets running the government, because it makes it easier to loot the public.

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Great analysis. Thank you.

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I respect Hungary's stand against uncontrolled immigration. On the other hand, while Hungary supports Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine it must expect consequences. Lay down with dogs, wake up with fleas.

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<<<<<<<while Hungary supports Russia's war of aggression <<<<<< So if I don't give money to the Black Lives Matter group, advocate for them and vote for their candidates that means I am a supporter of the Klu Klux Klan.

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Ron, Thanks for your comment. I assume BLM receives funding and support from Russia and their pals China and Iran. They all have the same goal: Disrupting and eventually destroying America. So if you like Russian aggression you should like BLM aggression. They're the same folks.

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Ukraine let themselves get dogwalked into this war and loss of territory when they agreed to follow the “advice” from the U.S. state department and CIA.

Pawns get sacrificed, and they weren’t smart enough to crack a history book and look at the long list of countries that went from bad to worse after cooperating with the CIA and StateDept’s interests.

In January of 2014 they had full control of their own borders and a corrupt government beholden to oligarchs. Now it’s 2024 and they’ve lost over 20% of their territory, around 200,000 men, and most of their electrical grid.

Life is wonderful when you get in bed with a U.S. government whose plan all along was to use the Ukrainians as sacrificial pawns to diminish Russia. Now you know why so many Ukrainian men fled. They have no desire to die as pawns in a war where they win nothing even if Ukraine somehow wins. They will still be controlled by oligarchs and puppet leaders who dance to foreign strings. Only difference is which foreign government is pulling the strings.

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