I really don't understand what is the problem with the fact that the HAWK system uses old electronic solutions, if the Russians have achieved excellent results using the electronic parts of used washing machines, then the Ukrainians know how to do it too ! :) If you get stuck, ask Ms. von d er Leyen, as she is said to be an expert in technology ! After all, she achieved world-famous successes when she supervised the Bundeswehr, or didn't she ? :)

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If true, all this raises the question of what Russia is waiting for?

One of Russia's overall failings in this war has been a general lack of killer instinct, constantly giving her enemies plenty of opportunity to rearm and regroup, rather than kick them when they are down and keep on kicking.

Does Russia want to win or be nice?

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That One IHAWK Missile, with semi-active radar and god knows what more, is probably much more expensive than the Potential Target(Drone)...let alone the whole Battery that will be destroyed by "Izdelye 305", or simple artilery guided shot. Military Industrial Complex will happily bail it out though...

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Sounds like the good ole US of A doesn’t have much in the off air protection either. I expect there is really nothing to worry about in the event of a serious mass attack on the continental US as the vast majority of us will be wiped out early on.

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Apr 10·edited Apr 10

Israel is in the process of picking a fight with Iran, and the theory of how that conflict is to be won will be to hide behind US bases liberally scattered throughout the region (ie draw the US into the conflict by whatever means possible). So the air defense items Ukraine's getting for the foreseeable future is going to be the dregs.

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Old chips can be replaced with FPGAs. Entire circuit boards can be emulated in a single, inexpensive modern chip. The main challenge is locating the original technical specifications.

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If I was smart and wanted to conquer an enemy with brilliant weapons this is what I would do. Start a proxy war with a smaller country and use conscripts and old ass tanks to suck up all of the weapons, then get the real Tank Guards Army to hit the frontier at 50 mph and be dipping my toes in the English Channel in a week. Can’t shoot javelins and NLAWs that have already been shot?

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According to CNN, recent upgrades have extended the range of fab-1500.

"The bomb is the FAB-1500, essentially a 1.5-tonne weapon of which nearly half comprises high explosives. It is delivered from above by fighter jets from a distance of some 60-70 kilometers".

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The "total support" but the U. S. is a sham.

NY Times: " March 11, 2024

The jets are ready, and the flight instructors are waiting, at a new training center in Romania that was created to teach Ukraine’s pilots to fly the F-16 warplane. But there’s a catch..." No shit, there's always a catch.

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Just speaking as a non-expert, this ("By their own admission, Ukraine desperately needs air defenses. Most of the high end systems previously delivered from the US and Europe have either been destroyed or run out of interceptor missiles. NATO is searching for replacement missiles and parts for the Patriot air defense system.") seems a perfect summation of what I have seen going on. Russia is the bigger country and has its own resources. Ukraine has to get resources from others. Russia went into this knowing they are the bigger, richer power. Ukraine appears to be completely insane to give in to the belief that they and they alone can outlast or outfight Russia. James K. Galbraith has explained that the sanctions have zero effect on a country as big as Russia with as many resources and an industrial base built up under their former system, which specifically glorified the "proletariat," i.e. factory workers, i.e. those persons able to work in munitions and vehicle factories or factories that manufacture airplanes for example. Ukraine keeps looking for missiles while Russia just orders their factories to build them. Russia should not hope to govern Ukraine. Plenty of Ukrainians do not want to join with Russia. Col MacGregor on U-Tube says Russia wants for Ukraine to be a 'rump state."

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Ukraine does have one remaining air defense left: the utter mediocrity of the Russian air force, a tradition since the early days of WW2.

What a contrast with the exceptional results of the USAAC and RAF against the same enemy air force.

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NATO claims that Russia wants to attack Europe. At the same time, Europe is disposing of its weapons in Ukraine. After Russia's victory over Ukraine, how will an unarmed Europe fend off Russia? Or are Russia's accusations of aggression just lies?

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fighting against the allied west, they made some tactical mistakes. Now they are careful and taking their time. after all, they don't want to conquer the whole ukraine, just send it to the stone age. They are probably waiting for the mud to dry, and for the Ukrainians to run out of personnel, munitions and infrastructure. until then they "soften" the opponent.

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