Thank you for the clarification as to the "uprising" that the legacy media has been drooling over for the past couple of days - I immediately tossed their "uprising" report onto the fiction pile where it now sits alongside "Putin at death's door won't live past June 2022"; "Ghost of Kiev" and the "Ukraine Island Defenders". Probably the closest to the truth I've read before your article has been the Babylon Bee's report of "Russian Mercenaries Steal Putin's Podium In Brazen Coup Attempt".

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I love the Babylon Bee.

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Well, almost. But when the final section posits shadow actors and Prigozhin entering into diabolical schemes to overthrow the Russian government, the assumptions go off the rails. Was willing to overlook a doubling of the number of troops entering Russia. Nor will 8,000 Wagner troops be going to Belarus. Nor is there a conspiracy among FSB to support Prigozhin - that is absurdist. As for the cheering hordes in Rostov, that is fanciful. Nor are the knives out for Putin. Nice try.

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8,000 Wagner's involved is an exaggeration.

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You make some interesting claims here I haven’t seen elsewhere, but they are not sourced? What was your background sourcing here?

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Russian novels come to life. Where is Arkady Renko when we need him?

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How likely is it that Vladimir Putin was unaware of Yevgehny Prigozhin's plot?

One report has it that he is in custory in Belarus. Is that true?

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Don't know if Prigozhin is in custody or even where he is. As for Putin knowing, if he did not then he has even bigger problems.

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Apparently there is an audio of him speaking today. He seems to be in Belarus.

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I just saw it.

Putin also made a speech tonight. Here are the main points:


⚡️⚡️⚡️ Putin addressed Russians this evening, saying:

📌 "The enemies [Wagner] wanted our society to split.”

📌 "The armed rebellion would have been suppressed in any case. The organizers [Prigozhin] understood this.”

📌 The organizers of the rebellion, having betrayed the country, betrayed those who were with them. They aligned their motives with the Nazis in Kyiv 🇺🇦.

📌 [Wagner] wanted Russian soldiers to kill each other… and for Russia to lose the war. [👏👏👏]

📌 Spoke to the courage of 🇷🇺 pilots who died suppressing Wagner.

📌 Thanked Belarussian Dictator Lukashenko 🇧🇾 for negotiating peace.

📌 “I thank those soldiers and commanders of the Wagner group who did not go to the fratricidal war. You will be able to conclude a contract with the 🇷🇺 Ministry of Defense, return to your loved ones or go to Belarus 🇧🇾. This promise will be fulfilled.”

👉 This was Putin’s first public address since the Wagner Group, lead by Prigozhin, almost ended the dictator’s 23 years in power.

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